Crayon Shin-chan Bo Suzuki Kuppy Building Block Set
DESCRIPTION keeppley X Crayon Shin-chan
Crayon Shin-chan, is a Japanese manga (comic) and anime (animated television series) written and illustrated by Yoshito Usui. The series follows the adventures of a five-year old boy named Shinnosuke Nohara known for his famous antics like the naked butt dance and the mister elephant dance. He lives with his parents, his dog, his little sister and his friends in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
keeppley® presents a buildable figure of Bo Suzuki (Bo-chan) as a part of Crayon Shin-chan Kuppy series! Incredibly detailed, this figure stays true to the likeness of the character and sits about 3 inches.
Bo Suzuki is one of Shin-chan's friends and classmates from the sunflower class, he is 5 years old. Sometimes he is called 'Bo-chan'. He seems slow and expressionless, but is actually quite smart and has an interest in artistic, adult-oriented things. He often surprises his friends with his insight, though he speaks quite slowly. He always has a trail of mucus running down his nose and can perform various tricks with it.
ABS plastic
assembly required
assembled dimension: 3.37 x 2.54 x 2.54 inches (8.50 x 6.40 x 6.40 cm)
compatible with original from Denmark
for ages 6 and up
cpsc choking hazard warnings: choking hazard small parts
item comes pre-boxed
collectible box size: 4.76 x 3.57 x 3.18 inches (12.00 x 9.00 x 8.00 cm)
Manufacturer: Qman Toys (Guangdong Qman Toys Industry Co., Ltd)
©USUI YOSHITO, Licensed by Animation Int'l
Certification: CE, EN71, ASTM, BSCI
Item No. K20604