Case Closed Conan Edogawa Kuppy Building Block Set
DESCRIPTION keeppley x Case Closed
Case Closed, also known as Detective Conan, is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. The story follows the high school detective Shinichi Kudo, whose body was transformed into that of an elementary school-age child while investigating a mysterious organization. He takes up the alias Conan Edogawa and uses his immense skill as a detective to solves a multitude of cases.
keeppley® Kuppy series continues to chibify popular characters from Detective Conan, and joining this time is the famous "Detective of the East” as well as the main protagonist, Conan Edogawa. Measuring 3.97", he dresses in uniform and puts on a pair of his father's glasses on. Conan has dark hair which mostly hangs downwards just above his blue eyes, but there are also a few strands that stick up at the front and back of his head. Available in sitting position, he gives us a confident expression with his wise eyes.
ABS plastic
assembly required
assembled dimension: 3.97 x 2.42 x 2.30 inches (10.00 x 6.10 x 5.80 cm)
compatible with original from Denmark
for ages 6 and up
cpsc choking hazard warnings: choking hazard small parts
item comes pre-boxed
collectible box size: 4.76 x 3.57 x 2.98 inches (12.00 x 9.00 x 7.50 cm)
Manufacturer: Qman Toys (Guangdong Qman Toys Industry Co., Ltd)
© Gosho Aoyama/Shogakukan, YTV, TMS
Certification: CE, EN71, ASTM, BSCI
Item No. K20701